PreCertification Application
Event Detail
Event Received Date:
Requestor Name:
William Jacka
(on behalf of) Firm/Group:
Alabama Independent Insurance Agents
Elected Officials
Alabama Independent Insurance Agents will host a fundraising event on September 17th at Timberline Golf Club in Calera, Alabama. It is a golf tournament fundraiser and our members from around the state register to play in the event and/or sponsor a team or teams in the tournament. Those in attendance will be provided with information that will educate them about the history of the Alabama Independent Insurance Agents, its activities and community involvement statewide. We would like to invite elected officials to participate in the lunch and reception as well as play golf as a part of a team sponsored by one of our members.
Event Date:
Approved/Denied Date:
Event Date
Documents associated to this event
Event Description:
Alabama Independent Insurance Agents will host a fundraising event on September 17th at Timberline Golf Club in Calera, Alabama. It is a golf tournament fundraiser and our members from around the state register to play in the event and/or sponsor a team or teams in the tournament. Those in attendance will be provided with information that will educate them about the history of the Alabama Independent Insurance Agents, its activities and community involvement statewide. We would like to invite elected officials to participate in the lunch and reception as well as play golf as a part of a team sponsored by one of our members.
View Certification Document